
The most important thing you'll configure with Stein are rules. Rules are a component of your policies. It might be some rule set such as a region to be deployed, naming convention, or some linting. Or it can be a higher level component such as an email provider, DNS record, or database provider.

This page assumes you're familiar with the configuration syntax already.


A rule configuration looks like the following:

rule "replicas" {
  description = "Check the number of replicas is sufficient"

  conditions = [
    "${jsonpath(".spec.replicas") > 3}",

  report {
    level   = "ERROR"
    message = "Too few replicas"


The rule block creates a rule set of the given NAME (first parameter). The name must be unique.

Within the block (the { }) is configuration for the rule.


There are meta-parameters available to all rules:

  • description (string) - A human-friendly description for the rule. This is primarily for documentation for users using your Stein configuration. When a module is published in Terraform Registry, the given description is shown as part of the documentation.
  • depends_on (list of strings) - Other rules which this rule depends on. This rule will be skipped if the dependency rules has failed. The rule name which will be described in "depends_on" list should follow as "".
  • precondition (configuration block; optional) -
    • cases (list of bools) - Conditions to determine whether the rule should be executed. This rule will only be executed if all preconditions return true.
  • conditions (list of bools) - Conditions for deciding whether this rule passes or fails. In order to pass, all conditions must return True.
  • report (configuration block) -
    • level (string) - Error level. It can take "ERROR" or "WARN" as the level. In case of "ERROR", this rule fails. But in case of "WARN", this rule doesn't fail.
    • message (string) - Error message. Let's write the conditions for passing the role here.


The full syntax is:

rule NAME {
  description = DESCRIPTION

  [depends_on = [NAME, ...]]


  conditions = [CONDITION, ...]



precondition {
  cases = [CONDITION, ...]

where REPORT is:

report {
  level = [ERROR|WARN]
  message = MESSAGE