
It is recommended that you read the Custom Functions page prior to reading this section of the documentation. The page will explain what the custom functions are and how to use them. On the other hands, this documentation will guide you the basics of writing custom functions and introducing it into your policies efficiently.

This page assumes you're familiar with the configuration syntax already.


A function configuration looks like the following:

function "get_service_name" {
  params = [file]
  result = basename(dirname(dirname(dirname(file))))

function "get_env" {
  params = [file]
  result = basename(dirname(dirname(file)))

function "get_service_id_with_env" {
  params = [file]
  result = format("%s-%s", get_service_name(file), lookup(var.shortened_environment, get_env(file)))


The function block creates an user-defined function of the given NAME (first parameter). The name must be unique.

Within the block (the { }) is configuration for the function.


There are meta-parameters available to all rules:

  • params (list of strings) - Parameters for the function. Like arguments. It can be referenced within the function. The variable name for params can specify arbitrary string.
  • variadic_param (list of strings) - Variable arguments for the function.
  • result (any) - Return value of the function. It can take just string of course, but also take variables, built-in functions and custom functions even.


The full syntax is:

rule NAME {
  params = [ARG, ...]

  [variadic_param = [ARG, ...]]

  result = RETURN-VALUE